
Mar 14, 2019

Turntable History

Little History About Turntables

Photo by Ville Saavuori
Photo by Mostbanginest
Thomas Edison was the mastermind behind what we call today turntables. Thomas Edison made an invention of a device that would record and replay sound called the phonograph. The first tune that they recorded and played was Mary had a little lamb. Then later it got the name grapophone which later turned into record player.  A stylus recorded sounds onto thick tinfoil wrapped around a cylinder. The graphophone replaced the foil with wax which made the machine have better quality of sound. 1934 A man named RCA Victor started selling the Duo Jr, the first component turntable which was plugged into a radio speaker. By 1977 the turntables became more popular to the world of hip-hop. stated “They could also handle a new concept that had entered turntable culture – scratching - creatively utilizing the noise made when a record was swiftly moved back and forth at speed. For the next quarter century, despite the appearance of many turntables that boasted advances in one area or another, Technics were the industry standard.” Mix master Mike and Dj Dpooky were famous for upside-down mixing. As well Dj Spinderealla who is a woman Dj that scratches like a BEAST, she  is still going strong in the world of hip-hop. Today the record shoppers started using portable turntables. So now instead of just leaving them at home or only hearing /using them in the club’s people are able to take them wherever they want. I would say that turntables have changed drastically over the years and will continue as years’ progress.